Sunday 27 May 2012

Getting to Know Them; Anti-Reality Theatre (ART) Team - Part II

Something that we have been waiting for a long time. Anti-Reality Theatre Trailer!~

premiere on June 16, Panca Sakti Recital Hall, UiTM.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Getting to Know Them; Shout! Team - Part I

Shout! as its name, needs more energy than other genres, as the emotion for each scene (or part of scene) change, and contradict from the real situation. Not only the emotions change, but also the way of acting, in which all casts will unanimously agree on the emotion, and act based on it.

for example, the mood or the emotion of that particular scene should be happy, but the played emotion is sad, and all casts have to be sad (e.g crying, weeping and howling)

Shout! Official Poster

Saturday 12 May 2012

Getting to Know Them; Absurd.Physical.Minimalist (APM) Team - Part I

For this genre, it is the combination of three different genres; absurd, physical and minimalist, which are blend together to produce a play with full of symbolism.

ABSURD; here means illogical, wildly unreasonable and full of symbols.
PHYSICAL;  Exaggeration uses expression movement, dance, mime, puppetry, and gesture as its primary means of communication during the play.
MINIMALIST; simple, in terms of props, movement, costumes and also in terms of script.

When blend together, this type of play will produce 'empty' play (less words) with lots of movement and irrational symbols.

APM Official Poster

Thursday 3 May 2012

Getting to Know Them; Anti-Reality Theatre (ART) Team - Part I

A play that goes against reality. Everything is the opposite
-Scripts are opposite (when is written I HATE YOU, the actual meaning is I LOVE YOU)

-The play shall begin with curtain call, then the final scene up to the starting scene

-even while directing, the director must speak in opposites (when director says, YOUR VOICE IS TOO LOUD, he means YOUR VOICE IS TOO SLOW)

-as it goes against reality, there will be no make up

-there is no such thing as "backstage", the "backstage" is actually infront of the stage (yeap the audience can see em)

-acting must not be dramatic as it reflects reality (when ur mad, u act like how normal people are mad; however director must exaggerates his emotions just like how it is in theater)

source: the creator, mr.AIDIN

ART Official Poster

Getting to Know Them; Absurd Team - Part I

Coined by Hungarian-born critic Martin Esslin, Absurd Theatre came about as a reaction to World War II.  It took the basis of existential philosophy and combined it with dramatic elements to create a style of theatre which presented a world which can not be logically explained, life is in one word, ABSURD!

Needless to say, this genre of theatre took quite some time to catch on because it used techniques that seemed to be illogical to the theatre world.  The plots often deviated from the more traditional episodic structure, and seem to move in a circle, ending the same way it began.  The scenery was often unrecognizable, and to make matters worse, the dialogue never seemed to make any sense.

"Kau ada buka?" (Did You Opened It?) -- Absurd's Official Poster

Tuesday 1 May 2012


With the finale night getting nearer, all groups have created a poster for their respective groups. Why? To add to the excitement of the show. Despite all of the tensions, dramas, conflicts and pressures laid upon them, they still stand strong and produce such magnificent posters for YOU!! yes YOU! THE AUDIENCE! So do not let them down, gaze upon the posters and support them because your support will save their lives!! We really mean it. Enough said, just take a good look at your favourite team's poster before the GRAND SHOWDOWN STARTS THIS JUNE 16!

Team Absurd.Physical.Minimalist (APM)

Team Anti-Reality Theatre (ART)

Team Absurd 

Team Shout!